Saturday, April 27, 2013

Different Paths, Same Destination

I was invited to participate in the Latina Lifestyle Bloggers 2013 Conference this week and it kicked off  with a VIP party, where some of us got to meet and get to know each other. While looking around and talking to some of these wonderful women, I realized there is no one way to get to any destination, let alone our dream destination.”what are you talking about Alex?” I can hear you asking me already!

Well, there were women who joined us by flying from Canada, driving from New York or by taking a bus and a train from Santa Monica. Some who’s journey started a while ago with a move across country and me with a drive from what sometimes feels like the edge of civilization but better known as “THE INLAND EMPIRE”( I imagine that said in a really menacing echoey voice like the movies). Yet despite the different paths we took to get there we still ended up in a room together sharing drinks and swapping stories, right where we wanted to be.

I see my entrepreneurial path the same way. There are millions of women just like me who have dreams of owning a successful business. We all know ( a least in the very general way) what our final dream would look like. For me it’s a legacy, something I can pass down to my currently unborn children. Now the process is where we get all mucked up, because there is no right way to do this.

There are twists and turns, ups and downs, times where you want to just give up and times where you feel on top of the world. i often forget, and maybe you do too, that the “right way” is whatever way we choose to do it. It’s different for each of us, it may lead us down different paths but that’s what gives our businesses character.

My business may not yet be a runaway success. I may still look at my bank account on the daily and think “how am I going to do this?! “. There is one thing however that I never have a doubt of and that is the end game. I always picture my office, my staff, my house that was bought because of the business and those kids that i will raise taking it and making it there own.

There is no one way to get to any destination. Mine is filled with unscheduled stops and re-directions, yours may be a straight road to success, or a winding road of false starts. No matter what the road looks like, own it, because it’s yours!

So now's the time to stand up for your road and share a little bit. Tell me what is your dream and how has the road to that dream been? I know it’s kinda scary to talk about but if I can do it, so can you!
Xoxo AlxMarie

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