Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cinco Reasons to Celebrate

Today I am celebrating Cinco De Mayo with cinco (five) reasons I have to celebrate my life. I find myself needing a reminder of the great things going on because it’s so much easier to focus on the things not going as planned. So here it is, enjoy:

1. A loving and supporting relationship
I am fully supported in every decision I make regardless of the out come and that is amazing. It let’s me be fearless because no matter what I know I will have someone in my corner!

2. Money in the bank
It may be just a little bit of money but it will take me where I need to be!

3. Friends both new and not so new
Wow, the people in my life have  so fabulous! People that I have just meet this year have transformed my life just from being a part of it.

4. Good food in my belly
Because food is awesome and good food is even better!!

5. A life of possibilities
Right now in my life I fell like I could literally do anything. I know it sounds a bit cliché but it’s so true.

I really don’t think I could ask for anything more (I could but I’ll wait a bit don’t want to look greedy).

I hope today and everyday you take a little time to reflect on the positive parts of you’re life. It really is pretty amazing!

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